Wednesday, June 18, 2008 more day!

My Dad's at work, and the kids and my step Mom all went fishing with the boy scouts. I've bought most everything I need, and am all packed up. Oops. I forgot about my clothes...I need to put them in the dryer. I'll do that in a minute. But other than that, I'm all ready to go. I've just been online for almost an hour now, dinking about.

On a side note, dinking is a great word. Other great words include flabbergasted and scarf. Some words just kind of suck you on in, and grab hold of you. I love that about flabbergasted. I think of all my past english teachers and just want to throw that word into their stuffy, wrinkly faces. So much for learning about prepositions, I have "flabbergasted"! Anyways...I'm a bit bored.

But, I did go running today. I have no idea how far, because, to be honest, I got a bit lost. :) oops. I really kinda liked it though, getting lost. I had nothing pressing to get back to, and I knew the general direction of the house, so I just kept running. It was really...liberating, I guess, to just keep running and not really know where you are. I did run by a road kill skunk and that smelled soooo bad. Oh, gross.

My Dad taught me how to drive stick last night. And when I say "taught" he had me drive and told me when to push in the clutch, and off we went. No church parking lot for me--I was driving the streets....and only stalled twice (maybe three times). I meant to learn to drive stick earlier, just didn't really get around to it. Of course, driving once doesn't mean I know. By the time I get back to Provo I probably won't really be any good in a stick car. All well, it was fun.

I talked to the girl I'm flying to Atlanta with tomorrow. We made plans to meet up and go through security together...moral support? Sure.

I keep thinking I'm forgetting something terribly important and vital to gaining admittance into Brazil. Passport? Nope, I have that. Visa? Nope, I have that too. I also have two photocopies of my passport and visa, my immunizations record, and a copy of my immunizations record; my debit card, driver's license, isic card (International student identification card...or something). Backpack...clothes...scriptures...journal..pens...hmmm. I guess I'll just find out tomorrow. :)

So, I need to be at the airport by 9. My flight leaves for Atlanta, Georgia, at 11:30 am. I arrive in Georgia a little bit after 7 pm. Thanks to the spherical and dimensional nature of our planet, a 3 and a half hour flight will take me from 11:30-7. Then from there I fly to Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. We get there at 6:55 am. Wow. I'm going to be super tired, I think. My roommate won't be arriving until that Saturday, so I'll be off to my host's house by myself. I think I'm most nervous for that one day. Just me and this 60 year old single member, and we don't speak each other's languages. Baptism by fire, eh? I'll just say everything I try to say with a grin and let her take it as she will. Hopefully we'll both be happy campers and be able to laugh about it instead of getting super frustrated.

My phone's getting suspended on the 20th, which is going to be so weird. No texting!! I know, you're all wondering how I'll survive sans that written communication, but I will. Just a couple of days I'll be in Brazil! Palm trees, beaches, Portuguese, homework, language barriers, winking men....I really am excited, honestly. Just nervous too. I wonder if I can sneak a monkey home?

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